Another masterpiece...
By my hero PoopieClock!
Your Number 1 in my list of animators Poopie! YOU RULE!
Another masterpiece...
By my hero PoopieClock!
Your Number 1 in my list of animators Poopie! YOU RULE!
Turd is the best animator in the history of Newgrounds. His originaly surpasses every animator here.
Because of him, i kiss my poop goodbye before i flush, so that my poopie can reunite with it's master, TURD CLOCK!
Turd... If you werent a talking piece of shit...
i'd marry you...
Gross.... but satisfying!
Great stuff. I bet this is what would later become movies such as Arfenhouse, or other random flash movies.
Required viewing.
It's the little things...
You know... This piece really made think.
It really is the little things in life that do the trick.
That make every day worth living.
I quit my job today, so i could enjoy life a bit more. I want to change everything. My whole life is up side down. All because of THIS movie.
Life is too short and precious to throw away folks. Do what lies in your heart. Ignore the wars on T.V, the food shortage, diseases and poverty. Just thank God, for what he gave you. Pray every day, and be thankfull for your life.
Turd.... I have to say this. You are my savior.
I'm going to be just like you.
Man... I'm so glad i cleaned out strawberry's ass, and ate his shit.
Pretty damn funny! great work! especially the part where luke is screwing around with the screw.... driver... yeah... that's it.
Keep it up! You rule!
good stuff
alli have to say. Strawberry's computer is better though...
Never make a movie like this again damn you!
I almost choked on my sandwich from laughing so hard. I was eating, and then the part came where turd clock dances. I ALMOST CHOKED! i could've died...
Oh... and uh.... hilarious movie!
I'm truly sorry you almost died....god I feel so guilty now :(
Good but not the best.
Arfenhouse is still the best, but your getting close!
I totally agree with the guy who wrote before me. That guy in the background steals the show. You look what for stupid dance he's doing, laugh, and then you get back in the action. It works perfectly!
I laughed my ass off, and was amazed by the fights at the same time! Great stuff! keep it up!
By the way.... where the hell did you get that incredibly stupid song from??? It's damn funny though...
HAHA!!1 I"M FAKE!!!1
Joined on 4/24/02